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Special Thanks to
  • Frau Stingl of Interessengemeinschaft “Historisches Augsburg e.V.” for the period costumes and props
  • Dorothea Smiatek for the tunics
  • Sybille Heinisch for sewing
  • Karl Egger for the rapiers
  • Mareike Kraemer for the chair
  • Thomas Gemeinholzer’s Uncle for the grand armchair
  • Friseursalon “Anne” for advice on hair style
  • Förderverein des Gymnasiums Königsbrunn for catering in the intermission
  • Herr Stimpfle and his team for endurance and support
  • Our secretaries for their assistance
  • Bernd Rohkohl for the video
  • Georg Voglrider for musical advice
  • Our head and deputy heads for unlimited cooperation and understanding
  • Daniel Goletz for the cartoons and the drawing
  • Kristina Helm, Teresa Müller and Simone Sauer for making the masks
  • Daniela-Carolin Bähr and Florian Tilscher for the warm-ups
  • Hans-Martin Schipfel and Henrik Schlobat of the Comenius-team for being a real team
  • LEW Augsburg for their generous sponsorship
  • All those who have supported and endured us in the course of our production

  • The play runs approx. three hours.
    There will be an intermission after Act III, scene 1.